Chapter one

May 6th 2017


How the void of walls may be filled with your unknown presence.

As if something never seen before became visible in its resounding silence.

Waiting for the light to flood from windows you can only guess behind the corner.

I step within.


Sorgente: Chapter one


Our Shooting and Visual Storytelling for VALEORCHID, Fall-Winter Collection 2017/18.


An ideal day spent in Rome for Vale Orchid, stylist and fashion designer interpreting her own brand as a model in our shooting.


Rome is the perfect setting for VALEORCHID’s clothes, so evocative of the past but also rich and neat in lines.







Officine Creative Italiane are proud to have visually told VALEORCHID’s brand.

A wider selection of our photographs can be seen here: valeorchid


Photographs by Claudia Ioan & Massimiliano Tuveri

Chapter one

April 24th 2017

You will think, or I will.
It does not change anything.
How buildings look at us.
The sad way in which windows, like mirrors, give us back the shadow of those who live in that staircase system.
The smell of those kitchens.
Daily drugs, driven to us as dust, every day, by inattentive eyes.
With inattentive eyes.

Sorgente: Chapter one

Chapter one

April 8th 2017

J’ai touché le son de ta voix.

I have touched the sound of your voice.

The echo stays, inside.

2Sorgente: Chapter one


FASIKA, by Claudia Ioan and Massimiliano Tuveri, soon to be exhibited.

We are happy to announce that our work documenting Coptic Easter celebrations as carried out by the Ethiopian Tewahedo Church will be exhibited at Palazzo dei Consoli, in Gubbio (Perugia, Italy) from June 17th to July 16th 2017. The exhibition of photography will be part of IL VIAGGIALIBRO 2017, fourth edition.

Stay tuned!


From our ongoing project/Dal nostro progetto FRAGMENTS INDÉCIDÉS.

The Third Landscape – an undetermined fragment of the Planetary Garden – designates the sum of the space left over by man to landscape evolution – to nature alone. Included in this category are left behind (délaissé) urban or rural sites, transitional spaces, neglected land (friches). This is the notion of Third Landscape as defined by Gilles Clément.
Terre di nessuno, frammenti verdi all’interno dello spazio urbano, al confine tra l’impronta dell’uomo e la sua assenza. Sono i prodotti della tensione tra l’antropizzazione e l’incuria, dove la natura si riappropria in silenzio di ciò che l’uomo abbandona.

“Fragment indécidé du jardin planetarie, le tiers paysage est constitué de l’ensemble des lieux délaissés par l’homme”: così Gilles Clément definiva il terzo paesaggio, quel frammento indeciso del giardino planetario costituito dall’insieme dei luoghi ceduti nuovamente alla natura dall’incuria dell’uomo.

Roma, quartiere Laurentino, 2015-2016